Friday, 11 March 2011

What a week......

I am still recovering from this weeks exertions. Right now we (students) are suffering from what we call homework overload. From this I have deduced that Teachers are all either a) inhumane sadists b) evil aliens intent on world domination. This weekend I am left to tackle: a history practise paper, an as yet unfinished tech GCSE, an Art essay and a hideous amount of German translation. All of this is reducing me to a shiny puddle of goo (brain has melted). Thou art not to worry, I shall persevere; for cake, for prom, for freedom from the tyrannical clutches of all that is pure....evil (aargghhh, running out of adjectives).

1 comment:

  1. I hope you are consuming a sufficient amount of junk food to fuel that overloaded brain. Forget veggies...times like these call for all things chocolate.


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