Monday 27 December 2010

Sick and %^&^%$£" Tired

Woke up yesterday with what felt like a hedgehog rolling around in my throat and chest. How? Why? And what have I done to deserve this?

Friday 24 December 2010

Christmas Eve

So everybody is up, not bright eyed, and most definitely not bushy tailed. No one could sleep. Which is ridiculous since Christmas is not until tomorrow. Still no one can sleep. Coffee seems to be the only remedy, for some. For me. But what can I say? I've got a fun filled morning of making marzipan fruit. Such is my tragic life. Vile smells have been seeping out of the conservatory (Ashley's bedroom...Do not ask) all night, congrats to him, he has managed to destroy yet more of the worlds O-zone layer. Do you see what I have sunk to? Describing my brother's farts. At least that is a better prospect than the torture inflicted by the worlds most evil fiend, Peppa Pig. Between the hours of  7am to 11am the TV belongs to my little brother, this is something he defends with his teeth. The say that some animals from the wild kingdom have a bigger bark than bite. The same cannot be said for Tayte. Oh-no, both his bark and his bite are as bad as each other. I guess I (((((love))))) him really. I like small children. But I could not eat a whole one, too much fat. 

I had the strangest dream last night, of a labyrinth. The vines that it was made out of were beautiful, but as strong as cables of steel. The wall could not be climbed. I was searching for clues, to find something. I can't remember what. meh.

Thursday 23 December 2010

GIrl with Star Wars Robot...

How far do the Star Wars movies go Back? (See Picture)

My Freaky Deaky Family

I am one of five siblings, living in a very small house. And a result I am constantly entertained by my family, and constantly disturbed. Innuendos run rampant through our three bedroom house. Scary as it is, no one seems to mind this much. If anything, it is something to laugh at. Some times I could swear our house grows, enveloping the people within. In this way we retain our solitude (and our sanity). We know that it is only okay for me to listen to 'Pink' while Mum is far, far away. And that it is not okay for Kim (elder sister) to watch 'Legally Blonde' where there is any remote possiblity of Mark (my Step Dad) viewing it. So there it is... the extent of the cookery that is completed in our house, is completed my my step father (Mark...yes, this gets more complicated), who enjoys conducting freaky science experiments in the fridge. My mother (Debra...a perfectionist) is the cleaner. My younger sister (Maria...also a professional gambler) is the entertainer, along with my little brother (Tayte). My older sister (Kim) is the fashion guru. My elder brother (Ashley), well he can only be described as a beast that haunts the outer regions of the house. My real Dad is amazing, cokoo, but amazing all the same. And I, am the reader. I like red roses, and Books(?), and history. I have of late been exeprimenting with various hair dyes, yet originally my hair was a kind of browny blond. My eyes are green. What else is there to say about myself? My family have shaped me into who I am, and without them, I am little more than dust. 

Sunday 19 December 2010

Walking in a Winter Wonderland??

Have you ever looked at a spider web when it has been coated in frost? Everything that you see in that moment does not connect with what you feel (i.e. frostbitten). And despite the fact that the driveway is coated, dangerously, in ice, everything is aesthetically perfect. Beautiful even. Unfortunately that effect is soon ruined, either by nature, or by people like my brother. My lovely brother, who passes his time playing with Thomas the Tank Engine or more often, consumming chocolate spread. Angelic on the outside, uncontested evil on the inside. Perhaps this seems an unfair description of a five year old boy. Perhaps not.   

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