Thursday, 13 January 2011

A is for Artichoke

Hurrah, Whoopee, Huzzah!! Finally the horror of the Maths GCSE is finito. No more long division for me! I have also completed my English GCSE, so there will be no more (infinitely depressing books) for me. I can now be a complete soul, living without material goods. Where is my chocolate?


  1. Yay for no more exams!
    But.. wait. Are you doing English literature? I am.. so I have another exam to go yet...
    I'm so relieved with maths. Maths stressed me out way too much.

  2. I don't think your comment (that you said you posted) actually posted... whoops xD
    anyway this link is to my blog, in case you somehow are unable to find it:

  3. 3 years after my maths GCSE and I'm still doing maths... I like it! :)

    And, although English Lit was the subject I did worst at in school, I supermuchlyalwaysandforever loved it. And the teacher. He was so so awesome.

    Anyhow, congrats! I love getting exams out of the way!

    Kate x


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